Castration - truth and myths
Species: dogs
What is castration?
Castration, or surgical removal of the gonads, is a surgical procedure that makes an animal irreversibly sterile. Females have their ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus removed (Latin ovariohisterectomia), and males have their testes and epididymis removed. A castrated female will never have offspring and in heat again, and a castrated male will not feel any more sex drive. The animals recover quickly within a few days after the treatment. It can be carried out at any age of the patient, although it is necessary to consider their justification in the case of elderly elderly (unless there are medical indications, e.g. tumors of the reproductive organs). Of course, it is best to castrate a young and healthy animal. The latest research proves that it is best to castrate bitches just before the first heat or a month after it, because thanks to this, the treatment protects her almost 100% against possible cancer of the mammary gland. Early castration has no negative impact on the mental and physical development of the bitch. In general, castration during heat is not recommended (due to excessive fragility of the uterus), although it is not an absolute contraindication. However, pregnancy, even if it is high, does not prevent the procedure from being performed - abortion castration carries a risk similar to a cesarean section. It then depends on the age of the animal, its general health condition and the skills of the attending veterinarian. Just like in the case of ordinary castration. After delivery, castration is possible after lactation has ceased (unless none of the puppies survived). For males, the optimal age is 7-12 months. Like any medical procedure, castration has its pros and cons.
Advantages of castration:
Protection of the bitch against pyomerexia
Rheumatoid arthritis can happen to any female dog, regardless of her age, whether she had offspring, or has an imaginary pregnancy, and no matter what her general health condition is. This dangerous disease can lead to the death of the animal. Sometimes it is too late to rescue. Especially if we are dealing with a closed pyomatosis, which does not give any clear symptoms. Not every owner will know in time that something is wrong with the bitch, not every vet will make a proper diagnosis on time. The only salvation for a female dog is quick castration. Unfortunately, then such a procedure is much more difficult than in a healthy individual. The uterus is filled with pus, so the doctor must be very careful not to let the scalpel leak out into the abdominal cavity with one careless movement of the scalpel. The bitch is weakened by the disease, so her body tolerates anesthesia less well, and the recovery after the procedure lasts longer. In contrast, castration protects against pyrethra in 100%, for the simple reason that the uterus is irreversibly removed during the procedure.
Protection of the bitch against tumors of the reproductive organs
It is logical that if a bitch does not have ovaries or uterus, then she cannot get cancer of these organs.
Protection of a bitch against a tumor of the mammary gland
The early castration of the bitch in almost 100% protects her against this dangerous disease. The later the procedure is performed, the less its protective function is. Castration after the fourth heat has virtually no effect on whether a bitch develops breast cancer or not, but it may slow down its possible development. Prevention of imaginary pregnancies This ailment is not only burdensome for the owner of the bitch, but also harmful to her own health, because imaginary pregnancies have an impact on the animal's psyche. Castration completely eliminates this unpleasant ailment.
Mental stabilization
Most of the females are in heat twice a year. But there are also those where it occurs more often. During the heat the bitch is distracted and nervous. For these few weeks, her only physical activity is short walks on a leash. So she becomes apathetic and bored. On the other hand, for some time after heat, bitches are sharper and more excitable. Meanwhile, castration eliminates it completely. A castrated female dog can enjoy life, play outdoors and go for long walks without any obstacles. He's just in shape all the time.
Prevention of cancers of the genital system, hernias, prostate diseases in the male
Dogs and bitches have their own sexual ailments, which can even result in the death of the animal. Of course, it is much easier than to treat these diseases.
A castrated male becomes less excitable, does not get into bitch fights with other males, is generally not prone to vagrancy, has a less dominant character
A male who is not distracted by sex drive (and he is exposed to contact with females in heat all the time) becomes more mentally stable, more devoted to man, more willing to cooperate with him, he focuses better on the tasks he has to perform ( e.g. in guarding a bypass). The tendency to wander, which he previously cultivated in search of females exuding such a pleasant smell to his nose, is significantly reduced, so it is easier to care for, he is not in danger of dying under the wheels of a car or staying in the shelter where he ended up because he was considered homeless. However, it should be remembered that with age such behaviors are less controlled by the sex hormone - testosterone, and they become a learned habit. Thus, late-age castration may not bring the expected results here. Nevertheless, it will still protect your dog from health problems.
Castration prevents accidental pregnancies, and thus uncontrolled natural growth of dogs
It is really hard to overestimate this advantage. Even the best trained dogs and bitches become deaf to their owners' calls when sex drive comes to the fore. When the male feels the female in heat, he becomes capable of incredible feats. A two-meter fence that would not normally be able to jump over suddenly ceases to be an obstacle. A bitch in heat will also do anything to get to the male. So sometimes a moment of inattention of even the most sensitive owner is enough. Only castration gives 100% protection against unwanted offspring of our pet.
Disadvantages of castration:
Irreversibility of the treatment
But this is why this procedure is performed to keep your head on the subject once and for all.
The risks associated with anesthesia
It exists, as with any procedure performed under general anesthesia. Fortunately, it is minimal and can be further reduced. Before each operation, the animal should be thoroughly examined, also cardiologically (remember that not every heart disease prevents surgery - if your dog has a heart disease, you simply need to consult an experienced veterinarian). Modern means of general anesthesia, such as inhalation anesthesia, are now available. It is a more expensive method, but much safer. The procedure itself is not too complicated, an experienced veterinarian carries it out within a dozen or so, at most, several dozen minutes, so the dog is anesthetized for only a short period of time.
Tendency to be overweight
But remember that the animal does not gain weight from the air. If our pet is gaining weight, it means that we should reduce his food portions or increase the dose of exercise and the weight will certainly return to normal.
Incontinence may occur in castrated bitches
Fortunately, it only happens in 2% of castrated bitches. It is not a serious ailment, and it is easily remedied by regularly administering to the animal a medicine that ensures the proper functioning of the urethral sphincter. Overall, castration has many more advantages than disadvantages. The advantages of this treatment are much more significant for the health and well-being of our animals than the disadvantages. So why is this solution, popular in the entire civilized world, still arousing so much controversy in Poland? The reason is the lack of proper knowledge of animal keepers. It is ignorance in this area that makes people succumb to the pressure of myths and superstitions, unfortunately also spread by some veterinarians, instead of believing reasonable arguments.
Myths about animal castration:
Castration is unnatural
Yes, it is unnatural. But following this line of reasoning, it is natural that a bitch will die due to pyomatosis ... Because the treatment of this dangerous disease is also unnatural. So we shouldn't treat dogs when they get sick because it's against nature. Well, we should take all our pampered and beloved dogs to the forest and leave them to their fate, because it is unnatural to keep them in houses, apartments ... Absurd, right? Meanwhile, since man domesticated the dog, the life of these animals has little to do with nature. Therefore, we must finally become aware of the obligations that lie on us. Because man should finally take responsibility for the creatures he has domesticated. It is because of us humans that such macabre places as shelters for homeless animals exist. We have led to the fact that there are too many dogs. It is because of us that thousands of animals in shelters are put to sleep. It's natural? Does it not bother the "supporters of naturalness"? Ask yourself what is better for dogs: unnatural life behind bars, unnatural death in a shelter, or unnatural prevention of disease and excessive reproduction?
Each female should have puppies once in her life "for health"
Space crap. There are no medical reasons for a female dog to be mated once in her life. Pregnancy will not prevent hormone-dependent neoplasms, pyomatosis, or imaginary pregnancies. The latter, after raising puppies once, may even get worse. Let us remember at the same time that pregnancy and childbirth are a great effort for the bitch's body. Both can cause complications that threaten not only the health, but also the life of the animal. Contrary to popular belief, pregnancy does not have a positive effect on the behavior of a female dog. It does not soften her character, it does not make her more obedient. In case of any behavioral problems, only professional training can help. Take a look at a nearby shelter and see for yourself how many homeless, suffering dogs are there. Many of them come from such a "health" litter ...
"I can't deprive my bitch of the joy of motherhood"
Another nonsense resulting from the anthropomorphization of dogs. Most of us are very emotionally attached to our pets. Thus, he mistakenly attributes human feelings to dogs. We forget that a dog is an animal that is guided in life by instincts, not feelings. It is not maternal feelings that drive them to reproduce. It is purely a biological instinct. For what are these maternal feelings that make a mother reject or even kill weak and sick children? Man will want to save his child at all costs. The bitch will reject the weak and sick puppy, will not feed him, and will condemn him to death. And what is this feeling that only lasts for a few weeks? If a woman was taken away from her after a few weeks or even years, it would be a tragedy in her life. On the other hand, dog puppies usually become independent after 8 weeks, and the bitch is not only not depressed because of this, but is also glad that she finally has the troublesome cubs over her head. And soon she forgets that she was ever a mother at all.
“My bitch will be sad that other bitches have puppies and she doesn't.
She will miss being a mother. ”And again humanizing dogs bows down… Let us repeat it again: it is not the feelings that make the bitch have offspring, but the instinct devoid of feelings. When a bitch does not feel the instinct, she does not feel the desire to have children. By castrating a bitch, we deprive her of the instinct that tells her to reproduce. It will be a completely natural state for her, just like her periods between heat. After all, when a bitch is not in heat, she doesn't have any offspring in her mind. He doesn't sit and think: “Because that Saba from behind the fence is in heat, and I'm not. She will have children soon, and poor me, I still have to wait so long…. ”. Neither will he sit and think after castration. Dogs don't have the ability to think abstractly. Deprived of the sexual instinct, they will not feel the lack of it. Hence, they will in no way miss having puppies. "
I don't want to deprive my dog of sexual pleasure. He will suffer knowing that he can no longer ... "
Dogs do not have sex for fun. They copulate for one purpose - to have offspring. By castrating a dog, we deprive it of its sexual instinct, and therefore of the will to mate. The castrated male does not feel the need to mate, and he does not care much about the female in heat. Likewise, bitches - when they are neutered, they behave the same as when they are not in heat - nor do they have sex in their heads. When a male or a female does not feel sex drive (because he is not in heat, he does not feel the bitch in heat, or is neutered), they have sexual pleasure in their noses. They prefer to rush after a stick, because it is more joy for them. Also, consider when the dog really suffers. Is it when he does not feel the need to copulate, or maybe when he does not feel the need but does not allow him to fulfill it? Sex drive is the most powerful instinct in nature. When a male senses a female in heat, procreation becomes his goal in life. Similarly with a bitch in heat. Conclusion: we are to allow our male to mate any female in heat that comes around in the area? And should we allow our bitch to mate with every male we meet during the heat? Because by forbidding them to do so, we expose them to stress and suffering ... Isn't it better for dogs to just castrate them? In the name of not exposing to stress and suffering related to the inability to fulfill their strongest instinct?
"After neutering my dog will become lazy and characterless"
Castration only reduces the male's dominant aggression. However, it does not affect the instinct of defense or guarding the property. On the contrary. If we have a guardian dog, it will do its job even better after neutering. Because when the dog senses a bitch in heat, it won't mind guarding the area - it will run away at the first opportunity to satisfy its drive. We should also remember that thieves often plant a bitch in heat on an area guarded by a male. And when the dog takes care of an attractive female, they rob you calmly and without haste. Such a trick will not work on a castrated dog. "I won't sterilize a bitch because it's so fun having puppies." Do you want to satisfy this weirdly understood own maternal instinct? We invite you to the nearest shelter. There are always puppies out there that require loving and loving care. Any pair of hands will come in handy.
“My dog is special. I want to have offspring from him "
And again we invite you to the shelter. There are lots of "exceptional", "one-of-a-kind" dogs ... Because every dog is unique! And if your dog is special, so are his descendants, right? So you should care about their fate! Remember that you become responsible not only for your bitch's children, but also for her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. ... After all, the blood of your "unique" dog flows in them too! How can you be sure that these grandchildren and great-grandchildren will end up in the hands of responsible owners? That they won't end up in a shelter or tied with string to a tree in the forest? Also remember that even if your animal is purebred, has a pedigree and breeding qualifications, it does not necessarily mean that it must have offspring. Look at it objectively and consider if the breed will suffer so much without its genes ...
"My bitch's puppies will not go to the shelter. I already have people willing to do them "
And have you thought about the puppies that are already in the shelters? What about them? Remember that each puppy from you takes the potential home from the animal from the shelter. So if your friends want a dog so badly, take them to a shelter instead of bringing new canine lives to the world. Let them give a home to one of those who need it so badly.
“The procedure is unnecessary. I can take care of my animal "
It is said that cases walk on people. Sometimes even a moment of inattention is enough for a bitch to become pregnant. It is enough to let the dog out of the eye for a moment to run to the bitch in heat and cover her. The leash may break, the fence for a dog driven by sex drive may not be an obstacle ...
"Even if a bitch becomes pregnant, there are ways to avoid puppies"
Yes, after unplanned mating, you can give your female abortion hormonal drugs. However, most vets advise against this approach. These are not indifferent to the health of the animal - in many bitches there is a dysregulation of the hormonal balance, which can cause, among others. pyomyxia. The risk of developing hormone-dependent cancers also increases. Therefore, after unplanned mating, the most sensible and safest solution for a bitch is to castrate. Remember that a pregnant bitch can also be neutered. However, if you have moral doubts, consider what is more ethical: sentencing puppies and their descendants to an uncertain, perhaps tragic fate, or having an abortion castration? Castration is the only fully effective and humane way to reduce the dog population. It is not nature, but we humans decide whether our dogs will have offspring or not. So let's decide wisely. Treatments don't have to be expensive. In spring, many animal health facilities make them at reduced prices. No female puppies are needed for happiness. By castrating dogs, we do not harm them. They get painkillers after the procedure, so they don't suffer. A few days later they forget that they underwent surgery at all. The sutures used in modern veterinary medicine are completely soluble and therefore maintenance-free. The recovery period after the procedure is much shorter than all those days when a female dog could not run freely and play because of the heat, or when we had to leash a dog due to the presence of females in heat in the area. Castrated animals do not suffer mentally from their inability to have children. On the other hand, those who feel the sex drive and cannot satisfy it suffer. Castration prevents dangerous diseases that our pets can suffer from. By castrating a dog, we prove that we are wise owners, aware of the responsibility for our animals. Only in this way can we be sure that we will not inadvertently create new, unnecessary dog lives. We prove that we are sensitive people who care about their own pet and the welfare of all dogs.
Species: cats
Thousands of cats are killed every year because there are not enough houses for them to live in. This problem, like in dogs, is mainly due to uncontrolled and vigorous reproduction of these animals. Kittens may have several litters of young each year - there are about 4 kittens in each litter, but there may be more of them. It is difficult to find a home for min. 4 kittens from each litter, and if we multiply this number by the number of litters and fertile kittens, the scale of the problem becomes alarming. A female cat expecting offspring and taking care of its young requires additional food. In addition, she can be very belligerent, protecting her offspring, and therefore will be a danger for children who want to, for example, play with the young.
Meanwhile, neutering a female cat will make her lose interest in mating, and alien cats will stay away from her. Uncastrated males have a habit of spreading an unpleasant (for humans) odor that attracts females to mark their territory. Castration eliminates this custom.
In addition, non-neutered cats, in competition with each other, often engage in fights that cause injuries, the treatment of which can then be costly. Modern equipment and veterinary measures make surgical procedures on animals safer, and young patients recover much faster than in the past. The vet will know when it is best to have your cat treated. There are no medical contraindications for this to occur - in a female cat - before the first litter. Kittens can be castrated at the earliest, around 6 months of age (after tooth replacement). After giving birth (if she is not breastfeeding) you should wait 7-10 days, if she is breastfeeding - about 5 weeks. Apart from reducing the number of unwanted kittens, the castration procedure has many other advantages. Kittens and cats subjected to them are much healthier, have a chance to live longer and certainly more calmly.