We urgently need help !!! We are a small Polish club in Masuria, more precisely in Dabrowno, where we have a small animal shelter.

Unfortunately, our car has now failed us after several hundred thousand kilometers. As everywhere, money is scarce, especially since now we also have to build a new shelter for our defenders. We slowly expected our car not to last forever, but now it gets us into trouble so quickly. We need a car to confiscate dogs with the help of the police, we collect abandoned animals, we bring dogs from city shelters that would otherwise have no chance, we bring food to those in need, we control the conditions, that's all we urgently need and another car as soon as possible. But that's not all ... Of course, we also need a car to drive our animals to the vet. The dogs are with us, they are examined, treated, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and prepared for home, the search for a suitable home for them is already underway. We have two volunteer helpers who spend their free time bringing media dogs to their new home in Germany. Since we keep old and sick / disabled dogs in the courtyards of Mercy, we can save them by delivering them ourselves. Another job for our new car, pulling a castration trailer. It is an extremely important part of all our work. Our castration trailer serves once a month during the summer months. Therefore, during the weekend, not only ca. 100 castrations (dogs / cats) performed but also treated where necessary. Everything is financed by donations from the relevant communities. These activities are very important and are gratefully accepted by the population.

We have an offer for a car that meets all our requirements. However, we need 5,000 euros for this.

Account details: IBAN PL03124025551111001073779448 SWIF PPLPW

We also have Paypal: strazochronypraw @ wp or simply by phone donation. Thank you very much ❤️🐾

Odwiedziny uczniów :)

Student visits :)

A few days ago, we were visited by 7th grade students from the Academic Complex of Educational Institutions in Fijewo.

We told our guests about our activities. We familiarized students with the regulations in force in Poland regarding the rights of animals and the obligations of owners towards them. The key moment of the meeting was the meeting with our pupils. The joy of the animals was great. Walking, stroking, brushing, playing - they love it. We thank our guests and their guardians for coming. Thank you for gifts for animals in the form of food.

We would like to thank Mrs. Monika Zagórska-Rogowska, the initiator of the meeting. Thank you Gckb Dąbrówno for making the room available. Congratulations to the school in Fijewo for such wise and disciplined students.

TOSIA – adoptowana

TOSIA – adoptowana

Tosia is the nicest girl in the world 🤍

Delicate and very polite ... It was not easy in life, she lived in poor conditions, her owner is a person who is unaware of animal welfare ... Tosia lived in a shed, and she was given bread with water to eat😢💔Fortunately, the former owner voluntarily relinquished her rights to Tosia. As always, we take some caution with new dogs so as not to scare them or make them angry. This was also the case with Tosia ... I cautiously entered the playpen, I crouched at a distance, and what did Tosia do? She came running and hugged her right away 💜🤍It was definitely love at first sight ... She is a wonderful, smart and well-mannered bitch. She is young, about 8 months old. She weighs 9 kg, measures 40 cm. We want a wonderful home for Tosia, full of love, warmth and peace 🤍She will give all her big heart to the future guardian ... 💜This is a wonderful, loving and faithful dog!

🤍🤍🤍📍- Dąbrówno (Warminsko-Mazurskie)

☎️ Agata 734 465 107



More trips to check the living conditions of animals and more dog tragedies.

Recontrol of conditions on a certain farm. We were in this place at the end of April. This time we were not allowed to enter the farm. To get in and see if anything changed, we had to ask for support from the police. Thank you for your quick arrival and help. We didn't wonder, we couldn't leave the animals here. Two dogs and a female came under our care.

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